
I've had some thoughts over the last couple of weeks. None of these are particularly insightful or even really merit publishing.... But none the less, I present, blurbs.

Weddings are interesting-- like I pretty much hate going to them, but love the feeling they give me about my wife. Its boring, but I think that type of boredom has struck a Pavlovian response in me, where I think of simpler times and young love. I went to we a wedding yesterday, and watched US Soccer throughout most of it on my cell phone. I like the families, and the couples, but just don't get the whole thing. If I had a redo, I would have tried to have a say in some things in my wedding. At the time I used the line "Kristin has been planning this thing since she was little, so I will let her have her wedding." Maybe I was wiser than, but part of me thinks the whole thing is about 1. Sex. and 2. Two becoming one (Bible talk for sex). As a part of the two becoming one, isn't it good for both parties to be represented. Not sure what I would have changed, but off the top of my head I think hayride and whiffle ball in tuxedos.

I believe in evolution in part, and God in whole. But the reason why I believe in evolution is this: I have a primal fear of taking a number two in public bathrooms. This kind of fear is like the fear of heights and fire that humans are born with, but yet public bathrooms as we know them have only existed for about a hundred years or so. I could get more into this, but I'm trying to avoid toilet talk (buh dum dum crash).

One time when my wife and I were newlyweds she was eating leftover mashed potatoes and she told me it was ice cream. Mashed potatoes are good, but not when you expect ice cream. I am still trying to exact revenge for this terrible act.

I have been giving some thought on moving out of the area. I would love to move to Europe. I have narrowed it down to a couple of places. The first is the UK. I would love to live there. They people have the driest senses of humor, and the Euro cars there are great. But they are really prejudice against Americans. They think all Americans are dumb, fat and wear cowboy hats. I definitely do not wear a cowboy hat. I watch a show from the BBC called Top Gear. An American version is due out soon, but I doubt it can come close to the chemistry and wit on the British version. Its definitely worth a watch if you get the chance (at least one season on Netflix on Demand). The other possibility is France but just for the cheap Nutella.

I haven't had any spammers comment on my blog which is nice. But its like the Sadie Hawkins Dance. No guy wants to go to a dance. If they could hang out with girls and do anything that is not being at a dance, they guy picks the other. Seriously, I would way rather pickle stuff with women than go to a dance. So not being asked to the Sadie Hawkins Dance is good from the I don't want to go to the dance vantage. But from the "do I offer anything of value to the opposite sex?" and all the confidence that comes from how that is answered vantage, its horrible.

Please don't peg my blog with Spam.... but let me feel appreciated spammers.

Until later

One Response so far.

  1. Tasha says:

    Is it sad that the first thought that comes to my mind about the revenge for the mash potatoes was to give her a bowl of poop and tell her it's chocolate ice cream with candy pieces?

    I'm not even sure that would be something one could pull off, plus that is just way too mean.

    (I debated for several minutes whether to even post this or not....I feel a little guilty that I thought of this.)

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