Happy High-Stakes Test Day!

About a year ago, I went back to school. I am working on my Master's in Special Ed. I dreaded applying to grad school (blood pressure...

I've had some thoughts over the last couple of weeks. None of these are particularly insightful or even really merit publishing.... But ...

In 2002, the world was different. I was into this really underground indie band from the pacific northwest called Death Cab, and when I tol...

Today was one of those days were I didn't feel like doing anything, but I wanted to do something. It was weird. I wasn't content wat...

To me, the most interesting things in life are the people you get to know. Further, the community you put around you shapes who you are. ...

I'm Joel. Hi. I've never had a blog. That's a lie. I had a blog, before it was cool to have a blog back in 2004. Then it became ...