One of those weird days

Today was one of those days were I didn't feel like doing anything, but I wanted to do something. It was weird. I wasn't content watching TV, or surfing the web because it was too boring...too inactive...but I felt too lazy to do anything. What do you do in that place? I ended up wrestling with Luke. That was fun.

But I had a bunch of thoughts going through my head as to why I was in this state. The first thought was "Awwww crap. I'm bipolar and starting to cycle into a down." This still could be, but I doubt it. I think I have bipolar people in my family, and Kristin even may consider me bipolar (hardy har har), but I don't think I have shown enough symptoms to be anything but moody. Hypochondriac...yes, mood disorder...pending.

The next thought was maybe I should drink copious amounts of green tea. So about 40 ounces later, I was frequently peeing, and jittery. So now I was discontent, bored, hyper, jittery, lazy and sleepy. Yeah, it's a pretty messed up state. I think I understand Charlie Sheen a littler better now though. Two and A Half Men is still a terrible show though.

The last thought I had was "Hey, I went to bed at midnight last night...I wonder if this is a sleep deprivation thing?" I'm fairly sure this is my problem. So in order to not have a crappy tomorrow, I must bid you all fair well at this time, and head to bed....

On a final note, tomorrow is my anniversary. I have a couple of ideas for blog entries regarding marriage and time passing so there will probably be an entry tomorrow.

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